
Friday, December 3, 2010

Taco Bello

It helps if you know the latin word for "war" in the ablative case is bello. Some poor Latin II kid got creative with a sentence he/she didn't know. Unfortunately, AP Latin is known to take it too far.

Anyway. Lame comic created because I am so behind and irresponsible but it's school tiem so I'm going to focus on that. Might have to rearrange update schedule.
This is the last comic before my unintentional hiatus. You can tell I was rushed because it's really crappy.

Robot Unicorn Attack

This is my cousin Ian. One thing we did when I was in Rhode Island was play Robot Unicorn Attack. This is pretty much word-for-word what happened.

I also got a little sun burned. But now I am SO CRUNCH.

Extra points if you know why it's THAT face.


Remember how I said I take everything seriously? Subtlety and sarcasm are also oftentimes completely lost on me.

This will be redone some day. Maybe. I'm not too pleased with it.

Another last minute 3am comic because I'm leaving for Rhode Island in...3 and a half hours. Except this should show up on Saturday.


Back from Georgia. This is from something that happened in the boathouse. Sort of.

This is also part of the "excuse the cat shit, I am lame" update(s) I promised. Except I'm leaving in a few days for RI. Who's unprepared? I'm unprepared.

Oh well. There's magic afoot. MAGIC, I TELL YOU.
Well fuck didley, don't this look dumb.

Cat Poop

Because that's what this is.

It's 1 in the morning the day I'm supposed to leave for Georgia and I realize I'll be gone next Saturday and I don't have anything prepared. (I didn't look at a calendar, herp derp), so please accept this picture of my cat's shit until I fix that.

I'll have a double update some time soon.

"But Lauren, isn't the point to draw pretty pictures so people will want to look at your comic?"


This is obviously how you gain readers.

I realize it's vulgar, but I felt it needed to be included in the "archive".

And that came from this cute guy


Yes. Every single one of the dreams I consider nightmares have involved kittens in mortal danger and me not being able to save them. Drowning, shrinking, sickness, etc. It's a terrible, terrible feeling not to be able to save kittens. For srs.

So I met the best friend I've ever had in my entire life in this dream.(no offense guys. I mean he was in my head) AND THEN HE FALLS OFF THE DAMN ROOF AND I TRY TO SAVE HIM AND HE TURNS INTO A DYING CAT. I MEAN REALLY. JUNIOR TYLER DURDEN IS MY BEST FRIEND AND HE TURNS INTO A GODDAMN DYING CAT.

Yeah I was like what the fuck just happened to me.

anyway. Brb, going to Georgia to be with the fags.

My Dick

One thing people should know about me: I take everything, and I mean everything, seriously.

This happened today. It's happened before. This exact same scenario. "What should I draw?" "My dick." "Alright."

EDIT: Oh right, haircuts.

Her dicks.